Green Building and Sustainability

Increased awareness of not only the value, but the necessity of adopting green building initiatives in new builds and retro fits is critical. Our climate is changing. A shift in the number of wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, and heavy rainfalls has been...

Innovation Right Under Our Feet

Why Concrete should be the Foundation for Every Building. Concrete has a long and healthy history, from the Egyptian pyramids to the Colosseum, this material has withstood the test of time. Concrete does not rust, rot, or burn, doubling or even tripling the life span...

Three Steps to a Strong Smart City Infrastructure

In order to transition to a Smart City solution, today’s urban centres need to be focused not just on surviving, but thriving into the future. But how can we sustain ourselves if we continue to put the same load on equipment, services and resources that we do...

Redefining the “Smart” Home

Redefining the “Smart” HomeIn our quest for advancement, technology is often at the forefront. We have systems that predict and control virtually everything from our heating to our lights to our water.  In the attempt to advance our homes and lives, we gravitate...