Re-imagine what you think about Climate Smart Medical Buildings
Value Winning over Stakeholders
Indoor Ventilation taken to a new level.
What makes us Better.
- Thermally charged buildings are Human Focused. Tech-Driven Edge.
- Climate Smart low or Net Zero Energy Medical buildings.
- We add luxury comfort and safety without adding additional construction and operational costs.
Why Climate Smart Medical Building.
It is about infection risk management with fresh air, climate resilient for safer outcomes during extreme weather.
Pay less for energy from the start.
Grow success with continuity of business and lower maintenance problems.

How important immediate advantages listed below
Construction savings
$10 to $50 per sf capital constuction cost avoidance and up to 30% operational cost saving over the the lifecyle of the building.
Energy cost savings
35%to48%energy savings or Net Positive
Carbon emissions
Embedded and opertional carbon reduction via simplification, size reduction and elimination of unncessary equipment
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality facilitates infection
risk management
Plug-in solution
Seamlessintegrationwith architectural plan,
mechanicalsystems, and renewable energys.
How it works
The system combines five mechanical systems into one, so that radiant heating and cooling, ventilation, and summer and winter thermal storage become one system. Utilizing a building’s HVAC equipment and ducting integrated with standard hollow core concrete slabs, and a proprietary controls algorithm provides a value-added, highly functional and efficient thermal energy storage mechanism that is future-proof.

Integrated Thermal Storage Smart Floor Kit
Lower cost and higher profitability.
Our Regular or Net Zero Building with built in thermal energy storage
starts with you in mind.
Year round charging… heating or cooling. Free energy from outside air, occupants, in-building equipment or mechanically during hours when electricity demand is low or renewable energy.
User controlled comfort and “discharging” of stored energy during peak hours maintains comfort, to relieve the grid from the high demand for power.
No need for addiitiionall space and volume other than the floors already in place.Cloud based energy management edge is applicable to new construction and many existing buildings in a wide range of climate zones.

Forever RECHARGEABLE asset that does not degrade in
performance or need replacement

Thermal Storage Smart Floors

Medical and Assisted Living

Sustainablity and ROI Edge
Contact us:
Ph: 347.905.865
Termobuild, LLC
6365 Collins Avenue, Suite 1605 – North Miami Beach FL 33141